
JW1 screenshot contest!

First public update of Jetpack JW1 was just released so we would like to ask everyone to participate in Screenshot Contest of our new aircraft! 5 pictures will be selected by our ALBATROSS & TouchingCloud Discord server members. You can submit your favorite screenshots or vote for the ones you like.
Winners will get a free license for the payware version of the JW1 – with landing chute, custom helmet display symbology and aboard feature! Also your shots will be added into the release gallery with your name underneath.
Rules are simple:
join our Discord if you are still not a member 
– post your pictures into “# jw1-screenshot-contest” channel
– at least one JW1 aircraft should be presented on the picture
– no more than 3 pictures from each user
– no photofilters allowed, only brightness/contrast adjustment and crop
– resolution at least 1280×720 pixels, no upscale; format – PNG or JPEG with highest quality
– Discord members can vote anytime until contest is over, leave :thumbsup: under image you like (all other emoji will be ignored)
– you can vote for several pictures at once
– contest will start Sunday 25 July, ends Thursday 29 July 12:00 UTC
You can post your pictures anytime until contest channel is open. Then I will ping everyone one more time so we can collect as many votes as possible.
Good luck!
JW1 v0.8.0 link and details are here

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The maximum upload file size: 10 MB. You can upload: image. Drop files here