
AirshowAssistant v2.6.0 is ready for testing!

AirshowAssistant v2.6.0 available for PC users to test. List of changes:
– wingman aircraft model selection
– smokes/flare/wingmen presets (up to 10 each)
– smoke/flare/wingmen preset toggle hotkeys
– data load will not affect smoke/flare master switch
– if preset not exists, random user data will be loaded (you can load it many times to find best one for you)
– wingmen livery/model hot replacement – inserted aircraft will persist old aircraft position and velocity
– wingmen drops flares (toggleable for each from WINGMAN tab)
Add-on compiled with latest SU15 SDK and may not work properly on stable MSFS version!
For those, who purchased add-on in the MSFS marketplace, we are waiting MS managers to allow SU15 updates submission 😞


11 feedbacks on AirshowAssistant v2.6.0 is ready for testing!

“I used to play this game many years ago, and I wanted to share an idea with you, given all the hard work you do. This game has a feature called a ‘wingman’ that offers some really cool capabilities. You could try downloading the game and checking out its programming. One of the great features was an option to command the wingman to return to the base where the flight originated. If you follow the wingman, you’ll notice that it returns to the base following the exact same route it took to get there. Another amazing feature was that after your landing, any wingmen accompanying you would land on the same runway, each at 30-second intervals, just like you. I hope you can implement this feature in your program; it would make it even more impressive.”

interesting idea indeed, but MSFS has no SDK for AI autopilot functions. making custom AI flight model for hundreds of different aircraft is a really complicated task.

I have update on Marketplace, however I dont know what should I do to see different planes as Wingmans. All planes (rest) are marked as UPDATE. Is it any manual for this to read something what should I do?

Hello, I wrote @ to You about issue with “water rudder” (model AH P-47 MSFS), did you know the solution? The software (Marketplace version) conflicts with a function on this model (guns = water rudder).

I have experienced it as well, and was able to add workaround (available in 2.9.0, will be in marketplace this week I hope)

Thank You 🙂 ! Btw. Interestingly, I also bought your Kinetic Assistant some time ago, I didn’t even know it was your software :DDDD !!!

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