
F/A-18 “Super Warrior” mod v4.0 just released!

In cooperation with Photosbykev and 270inc carrier operations became possible in MSFS! Animated and interactive crew, catapult steam, exciting seconds right before launch – just get it and experience yourself.

11 feedbacks on F/A-18 “Super Warrior” mod v4.0 just released!

My launch bar switch was animated but now won’t move. I have tried giving a key to toggle launch bar but still the launch bar switch won’t move. I have the Enterprise package installed but no help there without the launch bar working. Tried complete uninstall and reinstall but same results, launch bar switch static. Help!

When I turn on the battery switch in the Super Warrior my HUD and all avionics stay powered off instead of powering up like in the stock FA-18. Am I missing a step in the start procedure?

o meu está completamente bugado, tá impossivel voar ele, não estabiliza de jeito nenhum, até p decolar ta dificil. parece que o aviao está colado no chão

Like it said in description, you need to set flight model setting to Modern. It want fly in Legacy mode.

In v6 Ctrl+Shift+E works, but you need to set throttle to lower position

1. Been trying the FA18 on the Carrier[very nice]…BUT
The catapult does not seem to get the plane up to enough speed?[crash in water every time-brakes are off]
My joystick throttle only operates the left engine?
I have to use F3 to get full power on both engines?

First, disable aircraft assistances in game settings – throttle, controls etc. as autopilot has no idea what is going on and trying to stop you after lift off. And don’t forget to disengage parking brakes before launch.

I am not sure about throttles issue, haven’t really changed such things (automatic afterburner does not manipulate with throttle values). Maybe first advice will help. Is same happen on stock F/A as well, or only modded?

not sure about the engine issue(might be that your bindings are not correct- x52 seems to handle both engines with just the throttle quad it has)
basically, follow the direction of the flight deck personnel….complete stop, apply brakes, lower launch bar, release brakes, loook left and watch air boss, twirling hand-power up to full mil power, wait for liftoff…(maybe 5 secs) once cat activated, if you crash check that (disable crashes and assists are turned off ) hope this helps

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