
AirshowAssistant compatibility with release version of FS2024

– Flares visual effects does not appear correctly
– Sparks smoke visual effect does not appear correctly
– Flare sound replayed constantly if you have used flares at least once
– Refueling hose/boom may not be attached to the probe/receptacle visually correctly

You can use this add-on in FS2024 with caution.

As product still in development, we are not ready to jump to the new SDK yet to continue post updates for FS2020 users. We will fix as much issues as possible with old SDK, like flares and effects. Aerial refueling seem to work properly but feel free to report about issues, especially compatibility with 3rd party aircraft – it can be easily broken because of such simple thing like aircraft model change.
FS2024 native update and appearance in Marketplace can be expected near beginning of the December 2024, price will be the same. No update costs – feel free to purchase it for FS2020 while it on 50% discount.

Another announce – we are adding new tankers (KC-97, A330MRTT, C130, Valiant, KC-390 and so on – list is long) and, eventually, liveries for the existing tankers. But we decided to not include them into package as these will increase add-on size dramatically and not actually needed for most of the customers. It will be sold as dedicated product, in the same way as liveries packs sold for the aircraft. We will provide full list of tankers and liveries once it will be clear, you will be able to add your wishes on top which we, possible, will be able to fulfil.

1 feedback on AirshowAssistant compatibility with release version of FS2024

How do I get Airshow assistant onto msfs2024, I had it on msfsf2020 but it is not available in the marketplace for 2024….seems to be nowhere to download

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