
Airshow! Aerial Refueling DLC

This product require another add-on to be purchased and installed: – Airshow Assistant v3: Aerial Refueling This pack of aerial refueling tankers and buddy refuelers for the Airshow Assistant toolbar will unlock additional options once installed. Approximately 21 aircraft and 109 liveries (library updated constantly, feel free to share your wishes for the aircraft or …

Effects Tools

Airshow Assistant

MSFS2024 COMPATIBILITY Flares visual effects does not appear correctly Sparks smoke visual effect does not appear correctly Flare sound replayed constantly if you have used flares at least once Refueling hose/boom may not be attached to the probe/receptacle visually correctly Sim freezes when you try to close it with menu interface Airshow Assistant were removed …


Kuznetsov carrier group

The Kuznetsov-class aircraft carrying cruiser, Soviet designation Project 1143.5, is a class of aircraft carriers. Originally designed for the Soviet Navy, the Kuznetsov-class ships use a ski-jump to launch high-performance conventional aircraft in a STOBAR configuration. The design represented a major advance in Soviet fleet aviation over the Kiev-class carriers, which could only launch VSTOL …


ALBATROSS MSFS competitions

​ALBATROSS is a Microsoft Flight Simulator competitions app, focused on gliders at the moment, but also air race support planned to be implemented in the near future. Application provides functionality: download, install and delete tasks display task information (currently link to ALBATROSS website) set current pilot name for leaderboard appearance (will be replaced with registration …


Kinetic Assistant

Kinetic Assistant is a SimConnect utility that covers missing simulation or gameplay elements of the Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020). Desktop application read sim variables and return adjusted values (like speed and rotation) back into the game to simulate some specific conditions, uplift inside of artificial thermal for example.

Currently these features available: Winch, Aerotow, Thermals, Catapult and Arresting gear.



MSFS polar curve capture application, slightly modified MSFS SimVars example app. Can be used for deep flight model adjustments of any legacy or native MSFS aircraft. Especially helpful for gliders and other motor-less aircraft types.


JSON Generator

JSON generation tool for MSFS instruments and aircraft data. Script code was borrowed from MSFS Legacy Importer branch.


MSFS Legacy Importer

This is complex tool for importing Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX, 2006) aircraft into Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS, 2020). It does apply all required actions for successful import (like files copying, JSON files generation, critical issues fixing, 2D gauges conversion and other useful stuff). Two levels of import available – Basic and Full. First one providing list of fixes for various critical issues, lights and textures conversion, 2D gauges import. Second also have tools for CFG files manipulations and AIR data migration.