
Kinetic Assistant update v0.2

Cloud Assistant – SimConnect util – get significant update. Now it simulate winch string properly, so you will literally linked with winch position. More settings added, so you can adjust winch effectiveness for yourself. I had to remove keyboard/joystick shortcuts support temporarily because of issues. Aircraft carrier features support added – Catapult and Arresting strings. …


Kinetic Assistant

Kinetic Assistant is a SimConnect utility that covers missing simulation or gameplay elements of the Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020). Desktop application read sim variables and return adjusted values (like speed and rotation) back into the game to simulate some specific conditions, uplift inside of artificial thermal for example.

Currently these features available: Winch, Aerotow, Thermals, Catapult and Arresting gear.



MSFS polar curve capture application, slightly modified MSFS SimVars example app. Can be used for deep flight model adjustments of any legacy or native MSFS aircraft. Especially helpful for gliders and other motor-less aircraft types.


Ultralight Air Creation 582SL update v0.3

Ultralight motorized glider updated – textures quality improved, some flight model problems fixed. And new option now available in installer – you may not just import data from FSX, but also update already imported aircraft.


Version 0.4 of DG-808S add-on

Another update. This time it contain various improvements: upscaled and remastered cockpit textures (gauges still waiting for their time), engine and aerodynamics data fixes. Instruments greatly improved as well – realistic total energy calculation provide better gliding experience, everyone say thank you to Ian “B21” Lewis for the guidance (sink rate compensation not implemented yet) . …


DG-808S add-on v0.3 released!

You can test out new update of DG-808S add-on: some flight model adjustments was made and installer issues fixed. Feel free to leave a comment if you will experience any troubles with installation or gameplay.


DG-808S glider upgrade v0.2 just released!

Next update of DG-808S upgrade project available for download. A lot of flight model adjustments made its in-air behavior much closer to reality, and working yaw string will help you to catch the wind and raise to the clouds! Known issue: if you are updating already installed aircraft, you have to remove “dg808s_CVT_” folder inside …


Legacy Importer 0.2.4 minor update

New importer update just released. You can find new fixes in Engine tab for turbines – idle and high RPM percentage values, they are positively affect stability of the engines (thanks Technotech for the tip). Also in Cockpit tab (Full import mode) single RPM or TORQUE gauge will be highlighted depending on current engine type, …


New project – DG-808S glider upgrade

I wish to announce new project started by Michael Rossi, with my assistance. Flight model of this Legacy aircraft greatly improved – AIR data imported, drag and lift variables adjusted to make its performance closer to reality. Most gauges works, in future they also will be improved, both visuals and precision. Automatic installer supports two …


New website just was born

Hey, everyone! I’m Alex, currently doing some development stuff for MSFS, and I have decided to publish all my releases on stand alone website from now. It will give me some freedom with the way how to style my releases, and also provide effective way to sell payware products, if any will appear. Currently only …